Update After Long Absence

6.3.2019   It’s been a long time since I’ve been here. I’m sorry I’ve been so neglectful, but life has happened while we wished to make other plans. Life and family circumstances have changed drastically in the past two years, especially the past several months. I plan to be more attentive and to keep more up to date as well as adding more art work and lessons.

As we need to start somewhere we’ll begin with the news that I am looking forward to teaching a Children’s  Drawing Class at Art Camp for a few days in a couple of weeks. I’ve not taught Art Classes for many years and am both a little apprehensive and excited to do this. I don’t actually know what to expect yet, but it sounds like it will be fun and hopefully it will inspire some budding young artist to become wonderful artists. I hope to become  inspired and excited and start working on my own art and perhaps even get back to working on my art book again.

I did entered our Senior Artists’ Ten County Spring show in April and was gratified to have done well. I had missed one year due to an health emergency coinciding with delivery date of my art work. I entered last year and did alright. This year I was able to attend the Reception last Friday and was surprised and pleased at the results of this show. I may say more about that a sometime later.

For now I just want to touch base and bring things up to date. Hopefully I will be more diligent and productive in the future with more lessons and art work.                                                     . . . Angel Hugs & God’s best blessings.

Let me introduce Me

7.22.2017:  It’s been over a year since I’ve been able to work on this site!!!! Time passes as we make other plans. So much has happened this year that it had passed before I realized it had been so long.  That really must change. I will try to rein in situations in our life and think about what I really love to do and be so I can share accomplished projects and learning subjects with you.        Angel Hugs, Pat





Animation by Pat Thompson

 Clicking  the images on this site shows a larger view.

Click the Back Arrow at upper left of your screen to return here.


7.26.2016: Hello Everyone. It’s been a year since I’ve posted here. Life has been happening as I made other plans…but that is as life is. It’s good to be thinking of being back here and recharging the ol’ batteries to see what comes from the brushes and pencils to give expression and inspiration to this tired ol’ engine.  LOL.

I have completed four pieces within this past year. Three for the ten county art exhibit I participate in each year, and another more personal piece which I didn’t show. I have it hanging in a corner of our living room.  I’ll post them here for you to see. I’ve actually done several other drawings and studies, but they are just lap doodles. I do a lot of those on my lap while I watch television in the evenings

However, the present purpose of this post is that I have gotten my works back from the art exhibit and can now post them here.  I didn’t get very good photos of any of them this year, but hopefully you can see them clearly enough to make out what they are.

No Best of Show or Special Award this year, but three First Place awards.


5.1.2016: I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve posted here! I even failed to post my last year’s show results as I usually do. Perhaps I will insert that information in later.

I have been trying to decide if and how I may want to change this format.  If I want to re-enter the selling market. If I’m up to doing that again. If I want to change the format here to a teaching format. If, indeed I am up to actually doing justice to the site in keeping up with it more diligently.  The older I get the lazier I become. Lots of mental energy but my get up and go has gotten up and gone it seems.

Excuses? I expect I would like to offer some, but actually I doubt that I have any good ones.  Ohhh Yesss! I have one good one! I had hand surgery last spring & summer. First one hand and then the other, which dragged out the whole summer, even into September.  Is that a good enough excuse? LOL. Of course not. It was Carpel Tunnel surgeries, and while it was a bit delaying, there were no complications and a little rest to recuperate was all that was needed. I suppose it may have delayed my memory to post a bit, but should not have. So I stand before you, head down, eyes downcast and my procrastination and again say I am sorry and will try to do better.

I have been working on four pieces of art this year and finished three to enter the Ten County Art Exhibit for Senior Citizens at Rio Grande University. The fourth piece is an oil portrait and I would have liked to finished it and entered it in the competition.

For the past couple of months I have been alternating between downloading Windows 10 into my Windows 7 Touch Screen computer. It wouldn’t load the first two times, but it did the last time and I made a mistake of allowing it to wipe out my applications, which included the photo/art and our genealogy software. When I get frustrated with this technology I usually just leave it for a week or two and come back to it when I’m calmer. Now Windows 10 is in this computer and neither of my printers will work with it. So that’s taken me a while to work through to the acceptance that there is absolutely no way they will ever work with this newer technology. I can do a bit of manual text work on the printers  but scanning and printing of photographs and art work is a bust. I suppose I will have to purchase a new printer which will work with Windows 10. I’m not surprised, just aggravated that I will have to do so.


10.31.2014: Here I am again. Far behind and getting behinder!  I am finally getting around to posting the images I mentioned previously. I’m sorry I such a slow poke!

Coming In For the Tackle 4 blog

Moving In for the Tackle – pastels on paper – 18″X24″

Best of Show and First Place in Pastels

A Hat Like Mamas 4 blog

A Hat Like Mama’s – Oils on board – 18″X22″

First Place in Oil Portraits

( Gallard & Elaine Jenkins Collection)

Banjo Man 4 BLOG 2014

Banjo Man – Graphite on paper – 18″X24″

First Place in Drawing


9.27.2014: Decided it’s time to play catch up and let you know what’s happenin’ in this neck of the woods.  .

Everything went well at the show. I didn’t get to go see it due to Harvey’s health problems, but  good stuff happened  at the show anyway. One of the paintings and the drawing was invited to go to another show much further away before it was returned home. So they traveled to that show and was on exhibit there for two weeks . When the pieces finally were returned home I was surprised and pleased that “Closing in for the Tackle”, a pastel pointillistic  style (although every stroke was a tiny stroke instead of a point) painting took Best of Show and First Place. The second piece, “Banjo Man”, which also traveled to the other show took First Place in Drawing, and the third piece, an oil portrait titled , “A Hat Like Mama’s”, of my cousin Elaine and her little dog took First Place in Oils Category.  I was surprised at the Best Of Show Award because “Ol’ Guitar Man”, drawing won Best of Show last year. I felt very blessed by the awards.

I am working on the photos now to post here. Something has slipped about my photography this year, not that it was so great before. I have been trying to learn to do better with this camera, but am not thrilled with the results.  I will work on it and see if I can’t do better.

Blessings and Angel Hugs,          Pat.

6.28.2014:   I’ve entered the ten county senior citizens’ art exhibit again this year with one drawing and two paintings. The drawing is “Banjo Man”. The second piece is a pointillistic Pastel painting of two football players titled, “Moving In For the Tackle”, and lastly, an oil portrait, titled, “A Hat Like Mama’s”.  I am very excited about the portrait as it makes whoever looks at it smile and feel very happy.  The portrait’s subject hasn’t seen it yet and I’m hoping it will be worthy of an award, which would please her very much, I believe.  I didn’t get anything posted  here after the exhibit  over late in June.


It is with sadness that I’ve designed a new Memorial Card.

God gave us the gift of memory and you will live on in ours’.

Welcome Home Christian Woman [final]

You will be remembered with love,

Sara, Marcia, and Pat L.


4.19.2014: Hello  Everyone,

I haven’t posted for several months, as I’ve been really busy painting, drawing, and writing.

I’ve completed a couple of drawings and four paintings during the five months since I posted here.   The writing has been mostly  intensive research, but I have managed to complete five chapters in the novel. My proof reader seems to think they are acceptable, but I haven’t gotten past first drafts, and truthfully a couple of the chapters may need to be put somewhere else rather than their presently designated place .  Needless to say I have learned tons of information about weather and location  influence upon dead bodies, weapons,  and coroners’ procedures.  How cruel humans can be to his/her fellow beings!

Now with spring trying to show it’s face — we had snow last week! — , I find I’m getting house cleaning fever and thought to rid my closet of clothing I no longer use.  Last week I piled the beds with clothes on hangers and tried on this and that until I was sick of looking at my self in the mirror.   I managed to shrink my wardrobe by 3 items! Can you believe anyone would keep shirts that “fit, but are a bit snug” ?  Famous words, “I’ll save this until I lose a couple of pounds.”  Been there, done that.

As I’m just catching up for now, I will close out of here for the time being, so until the next time,

Angel Hugs,                                            Pat.


Pa t's Public Xmas Card sm 12.7.13..

Peace & Blessings, Everyone


Step 5 - Presentation cropped 2

9.13.2013:  Hello Everyone.  I hope each of you have had a lovely summer filled with all good things and lots of fun happenings.

I wanted to inform you that I’ve just made another gallery here. It is Gallery Seven  –  Colored Pencil.  I hope you will click on over there and have a look. The demonstration is how to make wind blown hair in colored pencil.  Hopefully there will be something there which will prove interesting or helpful to you.

I’ve finally figured out how to put my art signature on here so now that  I now can, I’m going to end this with

Best blessings and my…..art signature.

   Blog Sig 2                                                                ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

7.31.2013:  Hello Everyone.  I hope the month of August proves to be a most blessed one for you.  I am posting the latest two pieces of art I’ve finished this spring/summer.  They are both portraits and are of family members.  The pencil drawing is of my second cousin, Tammy and the oil painting is of Harvey, my husband.  I will put them here together and post them separately on their respective pages.  I have actually finished another oil painting which I started about seventeen years ago….at least I drew it onto the canvas before 1996.  I had stored among some other finished paintings and prepared grounds and found it again a few weeks ago.  I will probably post it in the next few days.

Angel Blessings,                                         …….Pat.

Tammy      Harvey's Oil Portrait [4 pub] 7.16.2013..


4.26.2013:  Hello Everyone.  I have revamped a few more pages of “Old Lessons” from previous classes, and they are ready to publish here on Gallery five, ‘Lessons, Tips, and Talk’.  I’ve mostly left them in their old hand drawn state as there have been a few questions concerning placement of features.   So look for them and hopefully there will be something there to help some of you.

My Book

I am presently writing a book,  —who isn’t— ?  It is an art book and I’m excited about it as I’m doing the illustrations in what I believe to be an unique way.  Some of the older lessons here will be referenced, but the demonstration illustrations  will be updated and worked up differently.  If and when it is finished I hope it will be of some help and interest to artists at different levels of their development.

My greatest problem lately seems to be lack of organization.  I don’t know where whatever organizational skills I may have once had have disappeared to but they seem to have flown away into the wide blue yonder—or some such thing.

I have been playing with ‘hair’ in colored pencil for a couple of weeks.  I hate to admit, that like many beginners, I sometimes play with a drawing until it is over-worked and has lost it’s spontaneity.  The hair is done, but there are some darks I am working on in the clothing.  I plan to post it here on the blog in a few days.  After I post it for the hair technique, I will play with it further using my imagination to develop a light struck side and a shadow side of the face and hair in a more dramatic presentation.

Remember to check out the new – older lessons in Gallery Five and leave me a comment if you wish.

Angel Hugs,                         Pat.

4.11.2013:  Hello One and All.  It’s been too long since I’ve entered  here.  I’ve been a bit distracted but I realize that is no excuse.  Harvey is  somewhat improved, physically.   There are people in other parts of the world praying for him.  Isn’t that wonderful ?  With all the faults public communication embraces there are many fantastically wonderful things about it as well.  Without the computer I would not have  Five Pencil Method Drawing friends and they would not know he needs their prayers.  I did not request it, but  simply replied that my husband had been unwell, to a friendly question  of,  “We’ve missed you. Where have you been?”  Then little notes began appearing on my wall that prayers were being given.  How fantastic is that?

 I have been doing some art work although not as consistantly as I should.  I’ve a terrible habit of starting things and loosing interest before they are completed.  That probably indicates that I should finish everything I start within a few hours or so.  I will make a better effort in that regard.

Some of the things I have begun are a couple of drawings.  One , is a graphite pencil drawing.   Another is colored pencil drawing.  The graphite pencil image challenge is the 1940s limpness of the ‘Banjo Man’s  suit.  The challenge of the colored pencil drawing is a young woman’s wind blown hair.  I am conversing with a Five Pencil Method [5PM] friend concerning the hair drawing.  It has just been started, but I will post it’s steps here when it is completed.  I’ve also been working on an oil painting of a man shearing a sheep.  It is awaiting another coat of varnish as I see some low [dull] areas showing on the canvas surface.  I started it before 1996 !  It is completed now and I have to find the exact right frame for it.  Another painting I’m working on is an oil portrait of Harvey when he had a beard.  It seems rather easy to do, but I keep putting off working on it now that it’s about three fourths of the way finished.   The last thing I have started is a book!  I am writing an art book!  It is mentioned in “Gallery Five – Lessons, Tips and Talk”, here on the blog.   Meanwhile, a couple of 5PM friends have asked me specific questions so I have revamped seven pages of our old lessons and am posting them here today.  I am not comfortable posting them on the 5PM Community as that is not my venue and it’s not my place to be ‘teaching’ there.  Encouragement and an answered question here and there are OK, but further than that is intrusive on someone else’s domain.  So look for the new “Old Lessons” in Gallery Five here,         Angel Hugs,          Pat.

Below is three of the “Old Lesson” pages I’ve posted on “Gallery Five – Lessons, Tips and Talk”

Old lesson 7    Old Lesson 3  Old Lesson 4


2.20.2013:  Hello everyone.  I’ve missed being here for a while as Harvey has been sick and I’ve pretty much neglected a good many things for the past three months.  I have checked in off and on, but haven’t updated anything for a while.  I will try to get caught up soon and get back into the swing of things.      …Angel hugs,                                    Pat.

~*~*~*~*~*Xmas Card 2012

Unlike my artist,  I look prettier close up.

12.12.12:  I painted many watercolor paintings to send as Christmas cards to family and friends this year.  Have just finished them and mailed some of them.  All same subject but each individual.  I did a new thing for me.  Because our mail is sometimes very, very wet when we take it from our rural box I slipped each card into a plastic covering after having varnished each painting portion of the card with Acrylic water based, clear, satin varnish.  Water just sheds off the picture, but the printer ink runs and blurs with water and the varnish smears it.  I wish each and every one of you a blessed Christmas and happiness throughout the new year.      ….Angel Hugs,                                                                Pat.


11.2.2012:  Hello All, It’s cold today which makes it good day to stay in the studio to paint and read.  I’m presently making small watercolor paintings to use as Christmas cards this year.  Still have ten or fifteen to paint.  I’m planning to mat them so they will be framable to hang if the reciepients care to do that.

I must report that I took the graphite portrait of my doctor to her Monday.  She was very surprised and seemed to be quite pleased with it.  She said that she had never had a portrait of herself before.  It was much fun to work on. I am pleased with the results.

I am posting a new digital painting today.  It is of some day lilies which grow in some of our flower beds.  Hope you like it.  I may decide to post one or two more.  I’ve not definately decided whether I will or not at this moment.       Blessings and Angel Hugs,                                  Pat.


10.10.2012:  Hello Everyone.  I have finished the “Guardian of Health” drawing and the progression steps are shown in the ‘Sketches & Drawings’ Gallery.  Just click on Gallery Four at the right to go there.  I’m posting the framed drawing here for you.  Hope you all have a BLESSED day.  …Angelhugs,                    Pat.

Guardian of Health


9.19.2012: Hello All.  I hope you all are healthy, happy and wealthy.  I have been verrrrry busy past two weeks…………being lazy and reading too much!  However, I have accomplished a bit of drawing and will post the progress here.  In fact I have begun two drawings.  One is titled, “Banjo Man” and the other will be titled “Guardian of Health”.  I will post the present work pieces below and put the progress drawings in  the Drawing, Sketches Gallery where I will briefly explain what I’ve done and why.  So click on over to the Drawings & Sketches Gallery to look them over then leave me a comment and critique.  Then get out your own pencil and paper and get some of your own drawings down to share with us here.      …Angel Hugs,        Pat.


                                        Banjo Man               Guardian of Health


This is the hands in the drawing.  They are almost finished.


9.13.2012:  Hi Everyone.  Just a short up-date to let you know I haven’t forgotten I promised those art lessons and probably some other things.  I’ve gots tons of excuses, but none of them are legitimate I expect.  Just  thinking of you all this day and am taking a tiny break to say ‘hi’.  Blessings to each and every one of you……  I am working on a couple of graphite drawings presently.  One is from an old greenish photo of a young man playing banjo.  I will title it “Banjo Man”.  The other is a portrait of my doctor in a routine posture of reading and filling out my charts and RX orders.  I’ll let you know how they turn out.     ….Angel Hugs,            Pat.


8.19.2012:   Hi Everyone.  Just a note to let you know I’m still here, albeit S-L-O-W !  I seem to be hurrying backwards sometimes.  Super-Mom is no more.  More like Pokie-Pat these days.  I’ve been painting and drawing though.  Have finished an oil painting, an acrylic painting, and a pencil drawing in the past few weeks.  I’ve begun another drawing and another oil painting.  Hopefully, I will get the finished work  posted in the appropriate galleries super-soon.


7.13.2012:  Hi Everyone.  Just a note to let you know that I’ve begun working on the next set of Drawing People lessons for Gallery Five.  Last evening I worked for about three hours on a page I was drawing on the screen, and naturally I forgot to periodically save my work.  So Paint Shop Pro X2 got tired and froze again.  It happens occasionally.  So I lost that evening’s work.  I will start doing it over today — if it doesn’t storm, which it is supposed to do.  I hope you all are having a great day and that blessings are flowing abundantly.      p.s. I can hardly wait to get to the figure-portrait lessons.                     ….Angel Hugs,          Pat.



First three lessons.  See all ten in Gallery Five

Lessons, Tips and Talk

7.1.2012:        Hello everyone.  I’ve been working on lessons to share here on our ‘Lessons, Tips and Talk’ – Gallery Five page.  The lessons are titled  “Drawing People”.   Most lessons are newly drawn and developed here on the computer, while a few of them are re-vamped from lessons I taught in Portraiture Classes for the cities of Glendale and Peoria Arizona.  This first set of ten lessons are about drawing the basic head. We hope to work all the way through drawing the head and figure to drawing and painting portraits in various mediums.  We start off with the very first things to learn about reading  the human head, learning the units of measure and alignment of features.  The difference between the infant head and the adult head.  I’ve digitally drawn over photographs to demonstrate how to apply the concepts.    I hope you’ll find the lessons helpful and interesting whether you are a begining artist or just need a bit of review to strengthen your present work.  So check out Gallery Five and see if there is any thing there of interest to you and please leave your comments and questions.  I will reply if I know the answer you seek, or I will try to find the answer for you.   Now it is back to the computer drawing board to start making up the second set of lessons.  Meanwhile I would encourage you to draw every day as often as you can and to try applying the lessons to your drawing.  If possible draw from live models.  If no model is available draw from photos of family and friends.   It’s not about getting a likeness at this stage.  It’s about knowing where to put the features and to interpret your subject in simple steps.  Use  newspaper sports pages to draw people in interesting or difficult poses.  Draw from your imagination and most important of all enjoy the process.  Blessings and lots of   …Angel Hugs,    Pat.


6.4.2012:       As promised below, are the three winners in the ten-county 30th Annual Senior Citizens Art Exhibit sponsored by the Area Agency On Aging District 7.   I always feel that it’s not quite polite and ungraceous for me to announce these things, but my friends and relatives ask me, “How will we know if you don’t tell us?”  And sponsors tell me,” Of course you have to announce these things, so people can share the experience with you”.  So correct or incorrect here are the pictures with their ribbons.    Blessings to each and every one of you.


5.25.2012:  Today was a day of mixed emotions.  It is the nineteenth anniversary of my mother’s death bringing with it the sweet and sad thoughts that accompany these anniversaries.  However, I can feel her smiles and pleasure in the other part of my day.  This is the day that my cousin, Sharon (Clifford) Bell and I went to Rio Grande, Ohio to the 30th Anual Art Exhibit which is sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging District 7 Tea.  The show is a ten-County competition made up of the usual catagories of Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Photography, Poetry & Essays, etc. .  Sharon had entered three beautiful photographs, each framed.  She was awarded two first place ribbons and a second place.   I entered two oil paintings and a graphite drawing done in the style of Darell Tank’s Five Pencil Method. Check out my galleries at  http://www.fivepencilmethodcommunity.com/profile/patthompsonart/ .   I was awarded 1st place for the drawing, “Children Look Up To Us”.  1st place for one oil painting titled, “Uncle Charlie, The Blacksmith”.  (A portrait of my Uncle Charles from a 1942 memory).  Another small oil painting done on paper, on canvas titled,  Mama’s Rose, Mama’s Tears was awarded 2nd place in the oil catagory.  When the Special Awards were handed out I was shocked when it was announced that my Uncle Charlie, The Blacksmith had been awarded the coveted Mary Peck, Friends of Animals Award.  My mouth dropped open and I forgot to breath for a bit.   I think everyone got a great kick out of my expression.  I finally remembered to close my mouth and remember my manners.  The award is given to the artist with animals in their work.  I had NEVER considered the painting to be in an animal catagory.  I suppose I felt it was simply a portrait as I remembered a beloved uncle.  But the director told me, “Just look at it, you can see the horse and man love one another.  That’s why the judges gave you this special commemorative award”.  All in all it was a lovely day and I think my mother is as happy for me as I remember that, ‘our loved ones aren’t only in our past but also in our future’.  So I’m saying, Thank you, Lord, for a lovely day and for easing the sadness that comes with the loss of loved ones.   I have posted photos of the winners soon.     ….Angel Hugs,    Pat.


Wishing you a Blessed Easter

Click Image to view animation. Click Back Arrow to return here.


 A short Introduction, then the latest posts:

Hello Fellow Artists,

This is my first Art Blog and my first post here so I will tell you a little about myself and my interest in art.

As you know by the title my name is Pat Thompson, and I’m a self-taught artist. I’ve drawn as long as I can remember, but I began painting in 1967.  In 1978 I started teaching drawing and painting classes when an artist friend showed up at my door with five ladies and announced, “Today you teach your first Art Class.”  Those classes, held on my back patio, and later in my home studio, grew and in 1984 I was asked to teach adult art classes for the Recreation Departments of the cities of Peoria and Glendale Arizona where I taught “Master Artists” classes, Drawing, Portraiture, Oil and Watercolor Painting until 1997.   Concurrently, I also taught Painting classses at Glencroft Retirement Community for several years.

Now, I occasionally enter shows, and I have several works displayed on  ‘rotational hanging’ in our local area.  My art isn’t for sale now.  It hasn’t been been for several years, instead I draw and paint for my own enjoyment and the pleasure of family and friends.  I do enjoy keeping up with new materials and techniques that interest me.  I view many artists’ works and demonstrations on line and  I’m a member of two large online art groups which give me much pleasure and challanges me to ‘keep up’.

These days, I often think what an opportunity this is to grow and to learn in my art now as my husband and I live quietly now that our children are grown and have managed to scatter themselves across the country.  There is much more time to draw and paint, (of which I don’t always take advantage).

This Blog is my way of  sharing and interacting with other artists.  I hope we can talk about our art.  How, why, where and when we do it.  That we can help one another if the occasion arises , and perhaps scatter a few brief tips and lessons here and there throughout.  So please join me here for a time of growth,  satisfaction and accomplishment in our journey as artists.                       Angel Hugs,     Pat.


1.26.2012 Latest Entry:

Good afternoon Everyone.  It’s rainy and cool here today, but we’re not complaining about the weather so far this winter !  It’s been mild and only one snow fall of about one inch, gone next day and one weekend with ice.  Not too bad for near the end of January.  Weather, weather, weather! we can talk about it when there’s nothing other to talk about.  Today we have something else to talk about.  My newest drawing is completed FINALLY !  What should have taken a few hours took me two months simply because I didn’t work on it.  It was a ‘lap-drawing’ ( that’s my term for things I do on my lap while I watch television).

I am thinking of changing the format a bit here on the blog.  I’m considering putting the ‘Lessons, Tips and Talk’ page  here at the front and possibly moving the other pages to follow.  I may discontinue the separate subject-medium pages and combine those.  I would enjoy knowing what you think of that idea.  Meanwhile, I am going to introduce the latest work here and put the detailed step-by-steps on it’s subject-medium page.

Presently, I am preparing for a Valentine’s Day ‘Hanging-Change’ at our local County’s  Annex in town.  I’m ninty-five percent finished with that project.  It entails deciding what I want to have hanging for six months or a year.  How I want to present it — what type frame and/or matting will I use. The show is in a Hall-Gallery and is hung rather high on the wall with very good but not direct lighting .  The traffic is heavy as there are several government offices as well as the Senior Citizen’s annex offices in the building.  The greatest problem I have there is the fact that at the present time I’m not offering  my work for sale.  People call wanting to know what price I have on a certain piece as the general public apparently do not know what ‘NFS’ means.  When the director has the small attendant signs typed up it would clarify things to actually spell out the words ‘Not For Sale’.  But that is a minor thing and not important.

Enough visiting for now.  Let’s get on with the STUFF.

The drawing below is the newly completed work I mentioned above.  You can see the steps for it on the Gallery Five – Lessons, Tips and Talk page.

    Clinton Michael

Clinton Michael

Clinton - Time Lapsed

This ‘time lapse’ photo is on my Facebook Wall.
Also in my WIPs Gallery on Five Pencil Method Community.

3.10.2012: Graphite Portrait, “Clinton”

The framed portrait hangs in our Hallway Gallery and
gives me a smile every time I pass it.
It’s hard to believe that he is now 6’4″ tall!
My goodness, how time flies.


1.20.2012:  Home Place – Pastel painting

Hello Friends, Fellow Artists, and Family.  It’s really a cold winter morning today.  No snow, (THANK YOU, LORD) but the temperature is very low right now.  It is to be in the high 50s before the middle of next week so I won’t complain.  We’ve had a very mild winter this year and I am extremely thankful.  I’m hoping this will be a much better year than last year was.  That was a difficult year for me, but I’m looking forward to a good one ahead.

I’ve been very busy the past few weeks setting up this blog and our Hubbard Cuzinz Genealogy Blog.  It’s been great fun, learning all the new-to-me stuff.  The Hubbard Cuzinz blog takes lots of input and when I get into researching I forget there are other areas of life I need to pay attention to !  However, there is a ‘change-of-hanging’ for some of  my art pieces coming up on Valentines Day so I really must get busy and paint something to go along with the drawings I’ve already finished.  Yesterday I worked on a pastel painting which I hope to have framed and ready to hang by the end of this weekend.  It is a scene of long evening shadows in the grass.  The owners of all this farmland where our group of new homes are being built lives just across the creek and meadow within full view from the front of our house.  One evening in August I was walking about the yard and looked across the meadow and saw the beautiful long blue-green shadows streaking across the bright green grass, with the home, barn and trees in the middle of it all.  The trees had not yet begun to turn for fall and were various shades of green according to their species while the meadow grasses looked to be in very pale yellow and greens with halos along the top of some areas going from nearly white to soft warm orangie golds !  I took several photos —of course-of course, and have been chomping at the bit to get to painting a pastel of it on fabric.  I really enjoy painting on fabric stretched over archival cardboard.  I still have some pieces of fabric from art class demonstrations we did long ago and far away.  Some of you may remember one or two of those classes.   I have just taken a photo of the progress I’ve made and am posting it here.  Yes, I know the house is in the absolute center of the picture and I’ve yet to decide whether I will leave it in the “NO-NO” center or will mat and frame it off center.  I’ll post it on the pastel page but thought it would be good here also.  When it’s finished I will post a side-by-side and you can critique it for me.



Also today, I will post two or three digital images on the Gallery Six Page.  Let me know what you think about any and all of the pieces on this site.  I really want your input.

…..Angel Hugs,      Pat.